round up

round upround up1.使聚拢; 围捕This is a plan to round up the enemy spies.这是个围歼敌特的计划。2.积攒It took the young couple a long time to round up enough money for a trip to Europe.这对年轻夫妇花了很长时间才攒足去欧洲旅行的一笔钱。

round up1.把(牲畜)赶在一起;把(人)集合在一起:You'd better round up your classmates.It's time to go back to school.你最好把同学集合起来,该返回学校了。2.捕捉;围捕(罪犯等):They are trying to round up those robbers.他们正在努力围捕那些强盗。3.把(数字)调高为整数:The price of coal has been rounded up from 36.50 yuan to 37 per ton.煤炭的价格由每吨 36.50调为37元整。
